7 Day Habitual Strength Challenge

Categories: Blog, blog Jan 03, 2021

As we head into 2021 we are hopeful that you each have a renewed sense of hope in the future and that you are setting, or resetting, things into place to keep moving forward. 

While the health and fitness industry has seen many changes in 2020, it's clear that we have a larger role to play than ever for the people around us.  

People are now moving less than ever before and many are feeling more hopeless than ever.  

Many of you are motivated to try to help those around you live life better. 
Maybe you even have someone specific in your life that you just want to get to start Pressing RESET because you know how beneficial it would be for them. How LIFE-CHANGING it could be for them.  

I bet you are able to instantly name at least 1 person you'd like to help live life better, right?

If the answer is yes, let's look at a couple of things you might be able to say to them to get things to finally click with them. 
  • Help them create a small, realistic daily goal - And when I say small, I mean small... undershoot the goal, especially if they are just getting going. We don't need to go from couch to 5 days a week of 30-60minutes in the gym or from doing nothing to crawling for 5-10 minutes every day.  That's too much.  Start with baby steps. >> Maybe something like, let's take time to intentionally move for 5 minutes a day.


  • Reinforce the completion of their daily goal by having them log their progress - Recording that you did what you said you were going to do is not only a great way to see how your work is adding up, but it also will mean you are more likely to succeed in reaching your goal. This can be something as simple as a tally mark for each day resets have been completed, or a checkmark on a calendar. 


  • Provide them extra support upfront -  The hardest part is just getting started and developing a new habit.  Be a partner or accountability buddy.  Check-in with them or even give them a specific DO THIS routine. 


  • Celebrate them showing up - A lot of time we wait to celebrate until the ultimate goal has been reached but as you also know, the hardest part is just getting started so why not celebrate the steps one takes to get to the goal. Point out the changes they made or obstacles they've overcome to make this happen and give them a shout out.  

Author of Atomic Habits, (great book!) James Clear writes, “New goals don’t deliver new results. New lifestyles do. And a lifestyle is not an outcome, it is a process. For this reason, all of your energy should go into building better rituals, not chasing better results.”

So with that knowledge, how can you help your clients, patients or loved ones develop better rituals?
Build Better Rituals with Habitual Strength

In Tim's book, Habitual Strength, Tim reminds us that each repetition adds up over the course of time.  So while 20 cross-crawls a day may not seem like a lot, by the end of the year, that adds up to 7,300 cross-crawls!

When was the last time you think your person(s) did 7,300 cross-crawls?  Heck, when was the last time YOU did 7,300 cross-crawls?

Now let's move this along to 5 minutes of Pressing RESET every day.

At the end of the year, that adds up to 1,825 minutes... which translates to more than 30 hours of dedicated movement and self-care time a year.  

AND the coolest part about this is, that often, people don't just stop at the 20 cross-crawls a day or the 5 minutes of RESET time.  They start adding a little more and a little more and next thing you know, they are getting in 30 minutes of intentional movement several days a week! 

Ready for a mini-challenge that can change lives?

We created this quick little 7-Day Habitual Strength challenge for you and your community.  Join in yourself and invite some friends to join! 


How can you join us?

Save this image, share and tag us on social media when you decide to get started with it! You can also print this off and put it up in your home, office, or even your gym.  Check off each day you complete and encourage others to join you. 

Starting this week we'll post a video on our Instagram account for the next 7 days and we'll re-share all the stories with the 7-day challenge tagged in it!

Join us now, or start up a 7 day round whenever you want using this little image. Just save this image and check each day off in your stories! 

Make sure to tag us in your videos too! 

Just getting started and not sure how to do some of these movements? Don't fret! You've got options!

1) Review the posts on our Instagram Account - @original_strength for some how-tos on each of these movements.  

2) Find an OS Certified Pro to help take you through these RESETS in person OR virtually (yes, many of our Pro's are virtual!)

3) Click here to stream the OS DVD and learn even more about how beneficial Pressing RESET can be for you! 


Breathing - All breathing can be done in any position that is comfortable for you. We will share a few of our favorites over the next 7 days on Instagram.  The main things you need to focus on are 1) To breathe in and out through your nose. 2) Keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth 3) Breathe deeply and slowly so it feels as though you're filling your entire cavity with air. Try not to initiate your breath up into your chest, we want you to be breathing diaphragmatically. 

Cross-Crawl - In a standing position (if able) start with arms outstretched upward.  Make contact between your opposite limbs by reaching your right forearm towards your left knee as you lift your knee upward from the ground.  Then return to your starting position and take your left forearm to your right knee, also making contact before returning to start.  This should end up looking like a sort of silly, in place, march. 

Rocking - Get on the floor on your hands and knees.  Gently rock your hips back towards your heels and then forward bringing your shoulders over your wrists.  You'll rock back and forth on your hands and knees while keeping your eyes forward on the horizon.

Head Nods - These are simple. Just nod your head up and down.  Look to the ceiling, and allow your head to follow upward towards your gaze, then look down and allow your head to follow downward. Do not move into pain or discomfort, just move gently.

More coming here soon! 


Dani Almeyda is a co-owner of Original Strength Systems and Original Strength Institute Online.  Almeyda has a master's degree in Exercise Science and has been in the industry for more than 15 years, finding a niche with special and aging populations. She finds joy in helping people live life better and realize the strength that's inside them. 

She is a wife, mother, strength finder, Light seeker, and hot ball of chaos and is grateful you took the time to read this.  If you have any questions, are looking for coaching, or need some support, please contact customerservice@originalstrength.net and we will get you in touch with her.

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