The OS Breathing Reset Course

Everything is connected. Nothing is separate from the whole. This is true about the world, the universe, and you.  We’ve got a new breathing course…

The Kingdom’s Onion

You've heard something similar: To enter the Kingdom of Heaven you have to enter it as a child. Have you ever wondered what that means? I think about this all the time and I’m convinced…

Get Lost in Your Movement

It’s been an interesting week. Will Smith, Chris Rock, Systema practice, my morning routines, they’ve all come together and clouded up my mind. Ok, it’s not just them, I’ve allowed my mind to get cloudy.…

Strength 501

I just got back from a weekend of teaching with Dan John. It was a wonderful experience, whenever I’m around Dan I learn something about life. To me, Dan is not just a strength coach, he’s a life coach.

Do Fishes Have Feelings?

Do fishes have feelings?    That was a question a friend of mine posed on Instagram. I entertained it. Do fish have feelings…? Maybe they do.…

Mental Health is Physical Health

I recently interviewed Dr. Jennifer Heisz, author of the new book Move the Body, Heal the Mind. As the title might suggest, movement heals us, the whole of us. There is no separation of our being. We…

Applying Ideas for Health and Strength

I collect things, ideas really. We all do. It’s the ideas we collect that shape us. As I get older, I’m learning to collect useful ideas and discard harmful ones. For example, If something makes sense…

Lower Your Defenses

There are a few specific moments in life when you are exhaling that you feel amazing. There is no coincidence in this as exhalation is relaxation, but it’s also more than that. It’s an expression of…

Glory Days

Do you ever wonder why Al Bundy or Uncle Rico were stuck in the past remembering and reliving their high school football days? By the way, both of those characters are hilarious, if you like to laugh.…