Where the Head Goes…

The human design is so amazing, from helpless to an amazing person. At one point, your head accounted for 30% of your body weight. You spent most of your infancy getting strong enough to hold it. Your righting reflex helped make this happen. Once you control your head you control your life.

Happy 2024

It's that time of the year, but why isn't any time of the year good for a change?

It’s also not necessarily easy because we usually try to take a grand, sweeping approach to change rather than making small tweaks or strokes.

Whenever we recognize that change is needed, we need to know how to approach the issue's literal “root” of the issue, our nervous system.

In the end, if we want to succeed at creating lasting change in January or any time we recognize that change is needed, we need to know how to approach the literal “root” of the issue, our nervous system. 

If you’re an over-consumer of food, Facebook, Tic-Tok, porn, gossip, or sunsets, you’ve wired that inside yourself. 

If you move well, you feel well. If you feel well, you think well. If you think well and feel well, making good and helpful decisions that open desired paths for your life is easier. If you move well, feel well, and think well, you will likely not worry, be stressed, eat stressed, be angry, wage war against social media, or whatever else it is you want to change about your life.

Just keep showing up as often as possible until showing up is something you do because showing up is who you are.

A Core Reset for When You’re Feeling Stuck or Small

Sharing insights on posture strengthening. Strengthening your core — moving from your center— can reset your posture and how you engage with life's stressors. It can reset you. 

Hardwired for Health

Hey Guys, It’s December! Can you believe it? And because it’s December, it’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas. I know, it’s supposed to be “look” and not “feel,” but honestly, where I live,…

Never Stuck

I’ve got a good friend who needed a knee replacement. He was “bone on bone” in his knee, and it was very painful for him to move into deep knee flexion. Deep knee flexion is the kind of knee flexion…

Another Way to Press RESET

Hello There!   Last week I made an attempt to clearly explain what Pressing RESET was, what it did to and for the body and why you want to do it. I mentioned that if you engaged in the…

Just Press the Button

As it happens, every few years, I realize I can never quickly and clearly explain what it means to Press RESET. And that’s a problem because the main thing I do, my one job, is to teach people what…

A Walk in the Park

Walking may be the ultimate form of Pressing RESET. Walking is our energy-conserving, yet energy-consuming, designated form of locomotion. Walking allows you to flush your limp nodes, strengthen your diaphragm, keep your arteries and veins clear, stimulate your organs, improve your digestion, strengthen your inner core unit, and keep deterioration away from your brain.

Blue Zone Clues

Hey guys, I’m sitting here in a hotel in Virginia, the state for Lovers. I’m not sure how they came up with that slogan or how they measure it, but I can say in October, Virginia is a beautiful…

Veggies for a RESET

Tim had a great week eating only vegetables. CS Lewis makes us think. Pressing RESET impacts the nervous system in so many ways.