Start Where You Are

One of the wonderful things about “moving” with Original Strength is that everyone can do it. These movements and patterns are in everyone’s nervous system. To be sure, not…

Becoming Resilient

And now, a fantastic article from Original Strength Coach and Friend, Eric Grimsley:   “Resilience is the…

What Your Practice Says About You

And now, a guest post from Original Strength Coach, Raymond van Leeuwen:   I believe that everything in life is connected.…

Infinity Circles and Infinite Potential

It’s the beginning of 2020, another brand new year full of infinite potential; for you, for me, for everyone.

A Year in Review

I won't lie, 2019 was a full year for me. What I mean is that it wasn't dull, life was in swing. I experienced events, if left to my own choosing, I would not have chosen to experience. I didn't like…

The Three Minute Holiday Reset

Hanukka, Christmas, and Kwanzaa are upon us. It's a magical time of year. It's a time of fondness, feasts, friends, family, and frenzy. Well, unfortunately, frenzy is experienced by many of us…

‘Tis the Season

When I first learned about my Original Strength I was looking and hoping to discover my own strength; my own answers to my…

The missing link in your Original Strength

Back in a weird and wild world known as November of 2012, I was officially introduced to a system that would change my training, my teaching, and…

Giving Thanks

As I’m writing this, it’s Thanksgiving morning. I’m not sure when you’ll actually read this but it doesn’t really matter as every day should be a day of Thanksgiving. If we are here,…

Would You Care to Dance?

If you’re familiar with OS you know that we come from the view that we were all made to move and movement keeps us strong…