Who is Pressing RESET For?

Who is Pressing RESET for? We are all designed to move, to actually live and operate in our design of movement. Through movement, we build, nourish, and strengthen our entire being. Movement…

Feed Your Ease

Medical help and treatment is the largest business in our country today. It seems our population is in a chronic and ever-growing state of “Dis-ease.” What were once uncommon maladies are now common.…

The One Thing?

I’m on the edge of being weird, more weird than usual. I’m starting to have strange thoughts about breathing. What if, what if all we needed to be happy, healthy, and strong was to know how to breathe?

Healing and Original Strength

Here is a neat comment submission from a YouTube subscriber describing her healing journey with pelvic floor dysfunction. I'm posting it here in case it helps someone else. Just remember, you're never…

Happy Birthday

How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you were?  Have you ever thought about that?  Imagine…

Can You Heal from False Beliefs?

I’ll be honest; I’ve been pretty stubborn in my life. At least, if I’ve got a belief in my heart, I hold on to it until something happens that makes me question it. Usually, this has to be a big something.…

3, 2, One, Blastoff!

OS—We are a go for liftoff. The Rockeyball Athlete Science Team made this launch possible. Thanks to their great team, it was a successful mission to share Pressing RESET via the OS' A Physio's Guide to Pressing RESET. Going through the OSSA was also a huge eye-opener for all in attendance. Read more.

Failure to Thrive

I had a wonderful time teaching with Dan John over the last few weeks in England and Denmark. Our course is called Survive to Thrive. We teach the idea of establishing a lifestyle of habitual movement…

Acute Lower Back Injury

And now, here is a guest article from a friend, OS Clinician, and Instructor, Dr. Kurt Brooks. Oh! The Agony! Today,…

Get Down to Get Up = GD2GU

A guest article from OS Instructor Sarah Young!