Pants on Fire

Categories: Blog Aug 02, 2015


No one likes to be lied to. At least, I don't think they do. This could be my faulty assumption. Anyway, most people appreciate honesty. We like to be able to look someone in the eyes and know that what they are telling us is real, true, and reliable. This may be a rarity, but I do believe this is something all of us would enjoy.

Doesn’t it make you angry when you discover that you have been lied to? Do you ever feel “bad” when you “accidentally” lie to someone else?

What is an “accidental lie”? It is a lie we tell someone, when we really don’t want to lie, we know better, but we get caught off guard, and our self-preservation mode kicks in to release words out of our mouths to get us out of trouble. It was sort of an accident, but really, we could have stopped it and maybe we wish we had.

Anyway, again this is my assumption, I don’t think any of us enjoy being lied to, and most of us really do want to have integrity and stand behind our words.

But why is it, do you think, that many of us have NO PROBLEM lying to ourselves? We will tell ourselves a lie in a heartbeat. “I can’t do that.”, “My body is not made to squat.”, “I don’t know how to eat ‘healthy’.”, “I have no self control.”, etc…..

We often feel bad about lying to people, we hate being lied to, and yet we will lie to ourselves without guilt, and we will blissfully try to enjoy the lie. Isn’t this crazy?

What’s worse is we can actually make the lies we tell ourselves a reality. Yep. We can tell ourselves a lie, we can believe the lie, and then the lie becomes real because we believe it and think it. The thoughts you keep in your head determine your reality and often they determine your outcome; physically, socially, and experientially. We can actually live out the lies we tell ourselves and settle to believe.

Let me help you remove a few lies you might be telling yourself with one sentence: You can.

You can. You are capable. You can be strong. You can be healthy. You can be happy. You can make good decisions. You can eat “well”. You can enjoy life. You can make a difference. You simply can.

Know that you can. Whatever it is. If you can make a lie true by believing it in your heart. You can certainly make the truth a reality by believing it as well. Your brain, you mind, is powerful. It creates. It makes reality from the things you imagine and then believe.

If you are not happy with where you are, or with how your body is, is it because you are believing a lie that you have told yourself? If so, tell yourself the truth: you can.

Remember, the body follows the head. This is true in the physical sense and the psychological sense. Where your thoughts lead, you will follow. Follow the truth. You can.

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