Resetting the Mind

Categories: Blog Nov 29, 2015

When it comes to pressing RESET, we often think only of reseting the body. The problem with this, if there is a problem, is the body is not independent of the mind. In fact, pressing RESET while rocking can actually calm and soothe the soul. This can be true for any reset. A reset that improves the body and allows the body to feel and move better will more than likely benefit the mind, the soul, as well; giving weight to may phrase, "It feels good to feel good."

While it is great that reseting the body has carryover and can reset the mind, It is also important to reset the mind, to soothe the soul, deliberately. We should seek to preserve and keep a sound mind. We should intentionally try to reset our soul and remove the stresses of life from our thoughts, consciously and subconsciously. Movement can play a huge role in this. Walking, for example, can be a great way to soothe the mind, release creativity, and clear the thoughts.

But there are times when we may actually need more than good restorative movement to reset our minds. There are times when we need a friend. We were made to be social. Just as you cannot isolate a pinky toe from the rest of the body, you cannot (should not) isolate yourself from the people around you. I'm not talking about being an introvert. There is nothing wrong with being an introvert. I'm talking about being a loner, a recluse, or a social hermit. We are not meant to be isolated from others.

To punish prisoners, they are often put in isolation with not human companionship. A result of this can be mental instability to the point of insanity. Yet many of us will hide in our homes, our cars, our cubicles or wherever. We pretend to interact through social media, but that is such self deception - it may even hasten mental instability.

The comfort of a friend, a person you can share experiences with, a person you can trust, depend on and journey with, is a reset, a treasure like no other. Being able to talk through problems you might be facing, being able to receive counsel, advise, wisdom and comfort from another person can help soothe your soul. To isolate ourselves from others, to take the world on our own shoulders, and rob ourselves of interaction and communion with a friend is just as much mental neglect as not moving is physical neglect. It is also living against our design. We were meant to be social. That is why we have ears to hear and mouths to say. We need the ears of others. We need the voice of others. We need to know that we are not alone, and that our problems may not be quite the problems we imagine them to be. Likewise, there are people that need our ears, that need our voice.

We are all part of each other. When we function the way we were designed, we are effectively keeping our finger on the reset button.

The point is, to be of sound, healthy mind, we need friendships, and companions. One of the greatest resets we can ever have for our minds is a good conversation with a friend. Even a walk with a friend, without conversation, is a walk that speaks volumes for the soul.

If you are experiencing hard times, mental stress that wont go away, seek a friend, a trusted friend. Seek an ear, or a voice you can rely on for comfort. Be an ear or a voice to comfort for someone else. None of us were meant to be alone. When we engage in life, the way we were intended, we renew, reset, or restore our minds and our bodies. Remember, the body is not independent of the mind. Even a good conversation with a friend can help reset the body. Soothe the soul and there will also be a physical benefit.

Don't neglect your mind. Don't isolate yourself from others. Social media websites are not real relationships. You need real friendships. Your mind craves them. A good friend really can be a great reset button. By the way, If you don't have a good friend, become one to someone else. It can soothe both your souls. We are all connected. Learn how to listen, learn how to speak. Pick someone up when they are down. Celebrate with someone when they are soaring. Be deliberate. Be a friend. It will do your mind and your body good.

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