Who is Pressing RESET For?

Who is Pressing RESET for? We are all designed to move, to actually live and operate in our design of movement. Through movement, we build, nourish, and strengthen our entire being. Movement…

Happy 2024

It's that time of the year, but why isn't any time of the year good for a change?

It’s also not necessarily easy because we usually try to take a grand, sweeping approach to change rather than making small tweaks or strokes.

Whenever we recognize that change is needed, we need to know how to approach the issue's literal “root” of the issue, our nervous system.

In the end, if we want to succeed at creating lasting change in January or any time we recognize that change is needed, we need to know how to approach the literal “root” of the issue, our nervous system. 

If you’re an over-consumer of food, Facebook, Tic-Tok, porn, gossip, or sunsets, you’ve wired that inside yourself. 

If you move well, you feel well. If you feel well, you think well. If you think well and feel well, making good and helpful decisions that open desired paths for your life is easier. If you move well, feel well, and think well, you will likely not worry, be stressed, eat stressed, be angry, wage war against social media, or whatever else it is you want to change about your life.

Just keep showing up as often as possible until showing up is something you do because showing up is who you are.

Just Press the Button

As it happens, every few years, I realize I can never quickly and clearly explain what it means to Press RESET. And that’s a problem because the main thing I do, my one job, is to teach people what…

Turn the Lights On

Your brain’s main job is your survival. It is not concerned with how you feel as much as it is concerned that you are alive. It spends its existence filtering billions of bits of information from moment…


It’s Independence Day here in the States, a day of celebrating freedom. I know the purpose is to remember the hard-won freedom from being ruled by England, but I can’t help but think that independence…

Move Your Eyes

The body is simply amazing. It is designed to move, and movement is the vehicle that builds the health of our brain, nervous system, and, ultimately, our bodies. It’s kind of like an infinite feedback…

Have a Loose Structure

I used to be like Rain Man.  Definitely. Definitely.  I was very regimented, and I was obsessed with…

What Can I Do to Stay Young?

What can I do to stay young? This question comes up in one form or another every now and then. It’s an important topic, and I think it’s probably a…

Keep Your Options Open

There are many reasons why it is a great idea to spend time moving on the floor. Spending time on the ground builds familiarity with simply being on the ground, where the ground is not threatening but…

Economics of the Brain

Ask and receive. That could be the brain’s motto. Your brain is always looking for information; it craves information for its economy. …