5 Resets you Might Not Know are Resets

Categories: Blog Apr 17, 2016

In Original Strength we have five major resets, The Big 5: breathing with the diaphragm, head control, rolling, rocking, and crawling (gait). These resets are the movements we were all preprogrammed with, the movements that build our reflexive strength and control. These movements also follow our three guidelines for “pressing reset”:

1. Using the diaphragm when breathing.
2. Activating the vestibular system.
3. Engaging in contra-lateral and/or midline crossing movements.

Based off these guidelines, many movements can be resets. The truth is, almost all movements should be resets and the biggest reason all movements aren’t resets is probably due to guideline #1: diaphragmatic breathing. If every breath were a resetting diaphragmatic breath, then every movement made would also probably be a reset.

Anyway, there are some things we do that could be resets which actually fall outside of our three guidelines, and outside of the scope of The Big 5. Here are 5 non-Big 5 resets that you need to do to be strong and healthy. Yes. That was confusing….

1. Sleep - sleeping is truly a reset for the brain and the body. You need sleep to restore your brain and repair your body. Without adequate rest, your body will begin to unravel. How much sleep do you need? About 7 to 9 hours per night, if you’re an adult.

2. Laughing - Laughing is good medicine. It really does your heart good as it lowers stress hormones like cortisol. Laughing can boost your immune system and even reduce physical pain. Think of it. What if laughing could help prevent a cold, a sickness, or a sadness? Perhaps it can.

3. Learning - learning a new skill or a new subject matter builds new neural pathways in your brain. Refining that skill, or meditating on the newly learned subject can cement those pathways and help you retain the new skill or information. Learning, either by reading or doing, helps shape your brain similar to how movement does.

4. Thinking - Yes. Thinking can be a reset. Like learning, thinking can create neural pathways in the brain, thus building the brain and strengthening the mind. In a world where we are fed information and discouraged from challenging it, thinking could not only reset your own body, it could actually reset the world. What would happen if we actually took time to think, to use our brains to solve problems, or see possibilities?

5. Giving - Giving yourself, or serving others, can also be a reset. Not only can it make someone else’s day better when you do something nice for them, it can also improve the quality of your life as well. People who give to others are happier people than those who don’t. It feels good to feel good, right? If you want to feel good, give yourself to others. Acts of kindness can and do change the world for the better.

There is no way around it. We were all made to press reset every day; through movement but also through simply living life. We were made to learn and think, to give our best, to laugh hard and to sleep well. These 5 things are indeed resets as they can change the course of your life and the lives of those around you. They allow you to live your life well and make the world a better place.

In case you are wondering, this list is by no means complete. Not even close. But that is what other posts are for....

Comments (1)

  1. Jason Breen:
    Jul 29, 2020 at 07:04 PM

    Thanks. I really love this post. It reminds me that every day can be a reset if you approach it with a growth mindset. Keep up the great work.


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